Aids to facilitate the "day-to-day business" - ie household, leisure, work

Progress means ergonomics. While ergonomic pens are often valued in primary schools for learning, these are a real relief in everyday life for those affected by lunate malacia. They do not necessarily have to be triangular, but thicker handles are useful in everyday life and make a lot of things easier. Especially with partial stiffeners an absolute must have at the beginning. The difference: While the normally shaped pens require a much firmer grip, the ergonomic pens are easy on the wrist. It becomes much easier to create fine motor drawings or to write.

Not all can openers are created equal. There are many different variants. It doesn't have to be the electric one. Nevertheless, especially with LM in the main hand, i.e. right-handed or left-handed, it should be ensured that it is easy to use. Newbies in particular will curse when they still have a can opener from Annodazumal, such as B. on the drawing. The can will certainly be a lot in the first time, just not open. Then the only thing left is: "Hello partner, hello neighbor, hello environment, help, I can't get the can open ..." - Of course, if a man or woman just wants to get to know the new neighbor, just don't take precautions - the hand helps; -) (Always have the positive in mind, right?)

One of the worst jobs at LM - most LM people can confirm that: peeling potatoes. But also carrots or similar vegetables and Co belong to it. You get used to it, but freedom from pain is usually something completely different. (Counter-representations are of course allowed, but have rarely been seen so far) But in general, the following applies to many objects in everyday life: Better the wider / thicker handle than the next best normal tool. This not only protects the affected hand shortly after the operation, it also serves to prevent further operations in the long term. (For statisticians among the readers: I don't yet know whether this has been proven, all the figures are now also not important to me ... But empirical values ...)

Ergonomically shaped keyboards are useful for work and leisure when using the computer. A little anecdote about this: After my second operation, I even had a medical certificate for school training, which then also confirmed to the information processing teacher that the 10-finger tactile writing system will simply not be possible due to lack of mobility. She wasn't enthusiastic, but unfortunately had to come to terms with my Adler search system with speed ... - But that took, because looking at the keyboard was basically a thorn in the side ... If the school doesn't offer ergonomic keyboards: yourself Fault. Often movement is restricted to the sides. Of course, it makes more sense not to put on your wrists in the first place. You also learn this - who really does it? Then it is better to place the cushions underneath, some of which are available in specialist shops, but also as special offers.


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